should i stay or should i go

fishswarm turquoise

„should i stay or should i go“: acrylic on canvas (100×100 cm). yeah, the universe beneath us is incredible, fantastic in its abundance and variety…i love the swirling amongst the fishswarm while painting in half-trance – and whilst diving in a real, deep sea…(this one was a commissioned work and i had to struggle a very long time until i could even start, but then, it was really flowing. anytime i swear, never again a custom order…till i do it again…😱 (ps: sorry, after posting this work, i realized that the painting was already released earlier !!)





complex (2) – just playing

complex (2) – just playing with the density of colours. i am amazed how they sometimes make so good connections or are repelling in a fascinating way – and me, diving into anotherworld…into the the deep sea of the fantasy.

get down to heaven – ancient jellyfishes roaming the seas

get down to heaven - ancient jellyfish roaming the seas

get down to heaven – ancient jellyfishes roaming the seas. mixed media: acrylics, tinted resin on wooden canvas (55 x 65 cm).

should i stay or should i go

fishswarm turquoise

should i stay or should i go: acrylic on canvas (100 x 100 cm)

„should i stay or should i go“: acrylic on canvas (100 x 100 cm). yeah, the universe beneath us is incredible, fantastic in its abundance and variety…i love the swirling amongst the fishswarm while painting in half-trance, and whilst diving in a real deep sea…

get down to heaven…


one of my long term dreams came true just one year ago. i got wet in egypt, in crystal clear water, where i made my open water diving license (until 18 m). w-h-a-t a feeling to breathe like a fish, although humans are not meant to survive underwater! it was like i had left the planet, to visit another world. the underwater world is an amazing sight to see: from the beautiful life you see lingering underwater to the crystal clarity of the ocean water emphasized by the ray of sunlight. the vivid colours of the undersea world show some of the most awe-inspiring views. the colours are so extravagant and the sheer number of fish almost disturbing. gosh, all these beautiful and wondrous fishes, creatures and corals…it just blew me away!

my first dive made me feel like a small child again, discovering this whole new world, just there for me to take in, it was mind blowing. swimming through a school of fish will stay with me forever.

yes, diving is the shortest way to heaven and a deep going inspiration for my paintings…

p.s. foto: just snorkeling
